I delivered my talk about superconductivity and my current research to high school students.
Welcome to Yusuke Iguchi's personal page
Dr. Iguchi received his B.S. in physics at Tokyo University of Science in 2013 and received his Ph.D. in Basic Science from the University of Tokyo in 2018. Since 2018, he has worked at Stanford University with Prof. Kathryn Ann Moler. From 2018-2020, he was JSPS Overseas Fellow in Applied Physics. Since 2020, in addition to conducting his research, he has mentored students and helped to manage the group's operations as a senior research scientist in the Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials.
Dr. Iguchi is an experimental physicist in the field of condensed matter physics, with a focus on unconventional superconductors and non-centrosymmetric magnets. His wide-ranging research covers diverse areas, including the exploration of spin dynamics in ferromagnetic insulators and chiral edge currents in topological superconductors. His achievements include the observation of non-reciprocal magnon-propagation in chiral ferromagnets, pioneering electromagnetic control over non-reciprocal microwave propagation in multiferroic materials, uncovering local superconducting states and intrinsic magnetism in candidates for chiral superconductors, the observation of unquantized vortices in multiband superconductors, and the observation of the anomalous superfluid density potentially linked to quantum fluctuations.
Dr. Iguchi received honors and awards, including Overseas
Research Fellowship of JSPS (2018), Journal of Physics Society of Japan Papers
of Editors' Choice (2017), DC2 Research Fellowship of JSPS (2016), and
Outstanding Graduate Student Award from University of Tokyo (2015). In addition,
He founded the Association for Japanese Researchers at Stanford
University. In 2024, he joined UJA and launched the Community Launching Support as the Project Leader.
Recent News
Our new study about imaging the magnetic edge fields in chiral superconductor candidate UTe$_2$ was published in Physical Review B on December 4, 2024.
Our artistic sketch of a scanning superconducting quantum interference device on a quasi-2D superconductor with thermal and quantum phase fluctuations was used on the cover of Physical Review Letters.
[Paper] In Situ Local Imaging of Ferromagnetism and Superconductivity in RbEuFe$_4$As$_4$
Our new study about in-situ imaging magnetic domains and Meissner screening in helical magnetic superconductor RbEuFe$_4$As$_4$ was published in Nano Letters on July 15, 2024.
Our new study about a rapid increase of the superfluid density in quasi-2D superconductors below the transition was published in Physical Review Letters on July 15, 2024, and selected as the Editors' Suggestion.
Invited Talk at Yale University
I gave a seminar on "Anomalous Superfluid Density in Quasi-2D Superconductors Pd$_x$ErTe$_3$" at an Informal Seminar hosted by Prof. Yu He at Yale University.
[Award] UJA Outstanding Paper Award 2024
I am honored to have received the UJA Outstanding Paper Award 2024 in Physics. I also delivered a lecture on my winning paper at today's award ceremony.
I delivered my talk about superconductivity and my current research to elementary school students from Japan.
I delivered my talk about superconductivity and my current research to high school students from Japan and Gun High School(not shown in the picture).
Invited Talk at APS March Meeting 2024
I delivered my invited talk about the observation of un-quantized vortex in the session "Novel Phenomena in Multiorbital Superconductors" at the American Physical Society March Meeting in Minneapolis. I also talked about observing vortex cluster dynamics in CaSb$_2$ in another session. I also served as the chair for the session "Emerging...
[Paper] Scanning SQUID study of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates
Our study of scanning SQUID microscopy on infinite-layer nickelates was published in Physical Review Materials and selected as the Editors' Suggestion.
Invited Talk at ECC webinar
I was invited by ECC, the largest and oldest Japanese language school, as a speaker to discuss how to raise kids who love math.
Invited Talk at SpatialChat webinar
I was invited as a speaker by SpatialChat to discuss "The Interaction Crisis: Reshaping Synchronous Online Education". We shared our experiences and opinions about online education.
I was invited as a speaker to the Quantum seminar at Tsung-Dao Lee Institute remotely. I talked about our recent observation of Un-quantized superconducting vortices, which was published in Science.
Yusuke Iguchi, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist
Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials at Stanford University
Co-Founder & Organizer
Japanese Academic Seminars at Stanford (JASS)
Co-Founder & Organizer
Girls Who Code in Japanese
Project Leader
Community Launching Support,
WG10, United Japanese researchers Around the world (UJA)
Old news is here.