Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Magnetic edge fields in UTe2 near zero background fields
Y. Iguchi, H. Man, S. M. Thomas, F. Ronning, J. Ishizuka, M. Sigrist, P.F.S. Rosa, and K. A. Moler
Physical Review B 110, 214505 (2024). [arXiv]
Superconducting Penetration Depth Through a Van Hove Singularity: Sr2RuO4 Under Uniaxial Stress
E. Mueller, Y. Iguchi, F. Jerzembeck, J.O. Rodriguez, M. Romanelli, E. Abarca-Morales, A. Markou, N. Kikugawa, D.A. Sokolov, G. Oh, C.W. Hicks, A.P. Mackenzie, Y. Maeno, V. Madhavan, and K.A. Moler
Physical Review B 110, L100502 (2024). [arXiv]
[Editors' Suggestion]
Anomalous superfluid density in a disordered charge density wave material: Pd-intercalated ErTe3
Y. Iguchi, J.A. Straquadine, C. Murthy, S.A. Kivelson, A. Singh, I.R. Fisher, and K.A. Moler
Physical Review Letters 133, 036001 (2024). [arXiv]
[Editors' Suggestion]
[On the Cover]
Research Highlights: Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences (SIMES)
In situ local imaging of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in RbEuFe4As4
H. Man, Y. Iguchi, J. Bao, D.Y. Chung, and M.G. Kanatzidis
Nano Letters 24, 9082 (2024). [arXiv]
Scanning SQUID study of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates
R. A. Shi, B. Y. Wang, Y. Iguchi, M. Osada, K. Lee, B. H. Goodge, L. F. Kourkoutis, H. Y. Hwang, and K. A. Moler
Physical Review Materials 8, 024802 (2024). [arXiv]
[Editors' Suggestion]
Constraints on a split superconducting transition under uniaxial strain in Sr2RuO4 from scanning SQUID microscopy
E. Mueller,Y. Iguchi, C. Watson, C. Hicks, Y. Maeno, and K. A. Moler
Physical Review B 108, 144501 (2023). [arXiv]
[Editors' Suggestion]
Superconducting vortices carrying a temperature-dependent fraction of the flux quantum
Y. Iguchi, R. A. Shi, K. Kihou, C.-H. Lee, M. Barkman, A. L. Benfenati, V. Grinenko, E. Babaev, and K. A. Moler
Science 380, 1244-1247 (2023). [arXiv]
UJA Outstanding Paper Award 2024 (in Physics)
Research Highlights: Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences (SIMES)
Press release(by KTH), (TD Lee): EurekAlert!, PHYS.ORG
Commentary: "Un-quantized Vortices Observed", Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics
Microscopic imaging homogeneous and single phase superfluid density in UTe2
Y. Iguchi, H. Man, S. M. Thomas, F. Ronning, P.F.S. Rosa, and K. A. Moler
Physical Review Letters 130, 196003 (2023). [arXiv]
Research Highlights: Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences (SIMES)
Nonreciprocal microwave response at room temperature in multiferroic Y-type hexaferrite BaSrCo2Fe11AlO22
S. Hirose, Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, T. Kimura, and Y. Onose
Applied Physics Letters 121, 222401 (2022).
[Editor's picks]
Local observation of linear-T superfluid density and anomalous vortex dynamics in URu2Si2
Y. Iguchi, I. P. Zhang, E. D. Bauer, F. Ronning, J. R. Kirtley, and K. A. Moler
Physical Review B 103, L220503 (2021). [arXiv]
Anomalous vortex dynamics in URu2Si2 (Application Snippets:Nanopositioners at attocube)
Imaging anisotropic vortex dynamics in FeSe
I. P. Zhang, J. C. Palmstrom, H. Noad, L. B.-V. Horn, Y. Iguchi, Z. Cui, E. Mueller, J. R. Kirtley, I. R. Fisher, and K. A. Moler
Physical Review B 100, 024514 (2019). [arXiv]
Microwave non-reciprocity of magnon excitations in a non-centrosymmetric antiferromagnet Ba2MnGe2O7
Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, M. Kawano, H. Murakawa, N. Hanasaki, and Y. Onose
Physical Review B 98, 064416 (2018). [arXiv]
Magnetoelectrical control of nonreciprocal microwave response in a multiferroic helimagnet
Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, and Y. Onose
Nature Communications 8, 15252 (2017). [arXiv]
News Release:University of Tokyo, Nikkei(2017/5/8), Nikkan(2017/5/11)
Microwave Magneto-Chiral Effect in a Noncentro-symmetric Magnet CuB2O4
Y.Nii, R. Sasaki, Y. Iguchi, and Y. Onose
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 86, 024707 (2017). [arXiv]
[Editors' choice]
News release:"Magnet as a Switchable One-way Street", JPSJ News and Comments, 14, 01(2017)., Nikkan(2017/2/3)
Nonreciprocal propagation of surface acoustic wave in Ni/LiNbO3
R. Sasaki, Y. Nii, Y. Iguchi, and Y. Onose
Physical Review B 95, 020407(R) (2017). [arXiv]
[Rapid Communication]
Terahertz Radiation by Subpicosecond Magnetization Modulation in the Ferrimagnet LiFe5O8
Y. Kinoshita, N. Kida, M. Sotome, T. Miyamoto, Y. Iguchi, Y. Onose, and H. Okamoto
ACS Photonics 3, 1170 (2016).
Nonreciprocal magnon propagation in a noncentrosymmetric ferromagnet LiFe5O8
Y. Iguchi, S. Uemura, K. Ueno, and Y. Onose
Physical Review B 92, 184419 (2015). [arXiv]
Commentary(in Japanese):Kotai Buturi vol.51 No.7(605) (2016)
Uniaxial-Pressure Effects on Spin-Driven Lattice Distortions in Geometrically Frustrated Magnets CuFe1-xGaxO2 (x=0, 0.035)
T. Nakajima, Y. Iguchi, H. Tamatsukuri, S. Mitsuda, Y. Yamasaki, H. Nakao, and N. Terada
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82, 114711 (2013).
Y. Iguchi, H. Man, S. M. Thomas, F. Ronning, J. Ishizuka, M. Sigrist, P.F.S. Rosa, and K. A. Moler
Physical Review B 110, 214505 (2024). [arXiv]
E. Mueller, Y. Iguchi, F. Jerzembeck, J.O. Rodriguez, M. Romanelli, E. Abarca-Morales, A. Markou, N. Kikugawa, D.A. Sokolov, G. Oh, C.W. Hicks, A.P. Mackenzie, Y. Maeno, V. Madhavan, and K.A. Moler
Physical Review B 110, L100502 (2024). [arXiv]
[Editors' Suggestion]
Y. Iguchi, J.A. Straquadine, C. Murthy, S.A. Kivelson, A. Singh, I.R. Fisher, and K.A. Moler
Physical Review Letters 133, 036001 (2024). [arXiv]
[Editors' Suggestion]
[On the Cover]
Research Highlights: Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences (SIMES)
H. Man, Y. Iguchi, J. Bao, D.Y. Chung, and M.G. Kanatzidis
Nano Letters 24, 9082 (2024). [arXiv]
R. A. Shi, B. Y. Wang, Y. Iguchi, M. Osada, K. Lee, B. H. Goodge, L. F. Kourkoutis, H. Y. Hwang, and K. A. Moler
Physical Review Materials 8, 024802 (2024). [arXiv]
[Editors' Suggestion]
E. Mueller,Y. Iguchi, C. Watson, C. Hicks, Y. Maeno, and K. A. Moler
Physical Review B 108, 144501 (2023). [arXiv]
[Editors' Suggestion]
Y. Iguchi, R. A. Shi, K. Kihou, C.-H. Lee, M. Barkman, A. L. Benfenati, V. Grinenko, E. Babaev, and K. A. Moler
Science 380, 1244-1247 (2023). [arXiv]
UJA Outstanding Paper Award 2024 (in Physics)
Research Highlights: Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences (SIMES)
Press release(by KTH), (TD Lee): EurekAlert!, PHYS.ORG
Commentary: "Un-quantized Vortices Observed", Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics
Y. Iguchi, H. Man, S. M. Thomas, F. Ronning, P.F.S. Rosa, and K. A. Moler
Physical Review Letters 130, 196003 (2023). [arXiv]
Research Highlights: Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences (SIMES)
S. Hirose, Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, T. Kimura, and Y. Onose
Applied Physics Letters 121, 222401 (2022).
[Editor's picks]
Y. Iguchi, I. P. Zhang, E. D. Bauer, F. Ronning, J. R. Kirtley, and K. A. Moler
Physical Review B 103, L220503 (2021). [arXiv]
Anomalous vortex dynamics in URu2Si2 (Application Snippets:Nanopositioners at attocube)
I. P. Zhang, J. C. Palmstrom, H. Noad, L. B.-V. Horn, Y. Iguchi, Z. Cui, E. Mueller, J. R. Kirtley, I. R. Fisher, and K. A. Moler
Physical Review B 100, 024514 (2019). [arXiv]
Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, M. Kawano, H. Murakawa, N. Hanasaki, and Y. Onose
Physical Review B 98, 064416 (2018). [arXiv]
Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, and Y. Onose
Nature Communications 8, 15252 (2017). [arXiv]
News Release:University of Tokyo, Nikkei(2017/5/8), Nikkan(2017/5/11)
Y.Nii, R. Sasaki, Y. Iguchi, and Y. Onose
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 86, 024707 (2017). [arXiv]
[Editors' choice]
News release:"Magnet as a Switchable One-way Street", JPSJ News and Comments, 14, 01(2017)., Nikkan(2017/2/3)
R. Sasaki, Y. Nii, Y. Iguchi, and Y. Onose
Physical Review B 95, 020407(R) (2017). [arXiv]
[Rapid Communication]
Y. Kinoshita, N. Kida, M. Sotome, T. Miyamoto, Y. Iguchi, Y. Onose, and H. Okamoto
ACS Photonics 3, 1170 (2016).
Y. Iguchi, S. Uemura, K. Ueno, and Y. Onose
Physical Review B 92, 184419 (2015). [arXiv]
Commentary(in Japanese):Kotai Buturi vol.51 No.7(605) (2016)
T. Nakajima, Y. Iguchi, H. Tamatsukuri, S. Mitsuda, Y. Yamasaki, H. Nakao, and N. Terada
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82, 114711 (2013).
Invited Talk
Magnetic Imaging Chiral Superconductors and Un-quantized Vortex
Beyond standard superconducting and superfluid states: electron quadrupling condensates and composite orders, Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden, May 19-23, 2025
Un-Quantized Vortex and Edge Fields in Multicomponent Superconductors
Role of Topology, Dimensionality and Correlations in Unconventional Superconductivity, Gordon Research Conference, Switzerland, May 4-9, 2025
Un-quantized Vortex and Edge Fields in Multicomponent Superconductors
The International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM) 2025, Fethiye, Turkey, Session: Multicomponent superconductivity and related phenomena
Magnetic Imaging of Chiral and Magnetic Superconductors
2025 Materials Research Society(MRS) Spring Meeting, Seattle, WA, Symposium: EL07-Superconducting Materials
Anomalous Superfluid Density in Quasi-2D Superconductors PdxErTe3
He Lab Seminar, Yale University, CT, Jun 18, 2024
Superconducting vortices carrying a temperature-dependent fraction of the flux quantum
UJA Outstanding Paper Award 2024 Ceremony, Award Ceremony in Physics, May 12, 2024
Superconducting vortices carrying a temperature-dependent fraction of the flux quantum
American Physical Society March Meeting 2024(Minneapolis), M41.00005
Observation of Unquantized Vortices in Superconductor
Quantum Seminar, Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (online), Oct 11, 2023
Observation of Un-quantized Fluxes in Superconducting Vortices
7th KUJI QMAT Seminar, Cambridge, Kyoto, Seoul, and Salerno (online), Sep 7, 2023
Microscopic imaging homogeneous and single phase superfluid density in UTe2
UTe2 seminar (online), Tohoku University and University of Grenoble Alpes, Dec 7, 2022
Scanning SQUID microscopy on unconventional superconductors
Onose Lab seminar, Institute for Material Research, Tohoku University, Aug 29, 2022
Scanning SQUID microscopy on chiral superconductor candidates
Matsueda Lab seminar, Tohoku University, Aug 26, 2022
Non-reciprocity of magnon excitations in non-centrosymmetric magnets
59th Risou Dr group commemorative lecture, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo(+online), 2021, 1
Scanning SQUID Microscopy on Chiral Superconductor Candidates Sr2RuO4 and URu2Si2
32nd International Symposium on Superconductivity 2019(Kyoto), PC1-1-INV
Nonreciprocal microwave responses in noncentrosymmetric magnets
NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan, March 22, 2017.
Beyond standard superconducting and superfluid states: electron quadrupling condensates and composite orders, Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden, May 19-23, 2025
Role of Topology, Dimensionality and Correlations in Unconventional Superconductivity, Gordon Research Conference, Switzerland, May 4-9, 2025
The International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM) 2025, Fethiye, Turkey, Session: Multicomponent superconductivity and related phenomena
2025 Materials Research Society(MRS) Spring Meeting, Seattle, WA, Symposium: EL07-Superconducting Materials
He Lab Seminar, Yale University, CT, Jun 18, 2024
UJA Outstanding Paper Award 2024 Ceremony, Award Ceremony in Physics, May 12, 2024
American Physical Society March Meeting 2024(Minneapolis), M41.00005
Quantum Seminar, Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (online), Oct 11, 2023
7th KUJI QMAT Seminar, Cambridge, Kyoto, Seoul, and Salerno (online), Sep 7, 2023
UTe2 seminar (online), Tohoku University and University of Grenoble Alpes, Dec 7, 2022
Onose Lab seminar, Institute for Material Research, Tohoku University, Aug 29, 2022
Matsueda Lab seminar, Tohoku University, Aug 26, 2022
59th Risou Dr group commemorative lecture, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo(+online), 2021, 1
32nd International Symposium on Superconductivity 2019(Kyoto), PC1-1-INV
NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan, March 22, 2017.
Contributed Talks and Posters
- Visualizing Dynamics of Vortex Clusters in Multiband Superconductor CaSb2
Y. Iguchi, N. Nandi, M. Oudah, J. Bannies, M. C. Aronson, D. A. Bonn, and K. A. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2024(Minneapolis), Session Q15.00012
- Superconducting Penetration Depth Through a Van Hove Singularity: Sr2RuO4 Under Uniaxial Stress
E. Mueller, Y. Iguchi, F. Jerzembeck, J.O. Rodriguez, M. Romanelli, E. Abarca-Morales, A. Markou, N. Kikugawa, D.A. Sokolov, G. Oh, C.W. Hicks, A.P. Mackenzie, Y. Maeno, V. Madhavan, and K.A. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2024(Minneapolis), Session K16.00011
- Microscopic source of quasiparticle loss in tantalum resonators
F. Bahrami, N. Shumiya, M. Bland, R. Chang, R. A. McLellan, K. D. Crowley, C. Yang, L. Bishop-Van Horn, Y. Iguchi, K. A. Moler, R. J Cava, A. A. Houck, and N. P. de Leon
American Physical Society March Meeting 2024(Minneapolis), Session M47.00011
- Superconducting vortices carrying a temperature-dependent fraction of the flux quantum, (Poster)
Y. Iguchi
Aspen Center for Physics -2024 Winter Conference Disorder and Quantum Phases of Matter, Poster Session 12
- Observation of superconducting vortices carrying a temperature-dependent fraction of the flux quantum
Y. Iguchi, R.A. Shi, K. Kihou, C.-H. Lee, V. Grinenko, E. Babaev, and K. A. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2023(Las Vegas), Session Y28.00004
- Constraints on a split superconducting transition under uniaxial strain in Sr2RuO4 from scanning SQUID microscopy
E. Mueller,Y. Iguchi, C. Watson, C. Hicks, Y. Maeno, and K. A. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2023(Las Vegas), Session Y22.00008
- Direct observation of vortices in infinite-layer nickelate superconductors, (Oral)
R. Shi, K. Lee, B.Y. Wang, Y. Iguchi, H. Y. Hwang, K. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2023(Las Vegas), Session S19.00006
- Imaging edge fields on chiral superconductor candidate UTe2, (Oral)
Y. Iguchi
29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physic (LT29) at Sapporo, Session 22A-SF2A-03
- Microscopic imaging of UTe2 by scanning SQUID microscopy, (Oral)
Y. Iguchi, H. Man, S.M. Thomas, F. Ronning, P. Rosa, K. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2022(Chicago), Session Y65.00002
- Superconductivity coexisting with ferromagnetic order in RbEuFe4As4 studied by scanning SQUID microscopy, (Oral)
H. Man, Y. Iguchi, J. Bao, D.Y. Chung, M.G. Kanatzidis, K. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2022(Chicago), Session W69.00012
- Coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates, (Oral)
R. Shi, B.Y. Wang, Y. Iguchi, M. Osada, K. Lee, H. Y. Hwang, K. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2022(Chicago), Session T57.00005
- Non BCS-like superfluid density in a disordered charge density wave material: Pd-intercalated ErTe3, (Oral)
Y. Iguchi, J.A. Straquadine, J.R. Kirtley, A. Singh, I.R. Fisher, and K.A. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2021(Online), Session A47.00008, (Video)
- Effect of uniaxial strain on the superconducting state of Sr2RuO4, (Oral)
E. Mueller, Y. Iguchi, C. Watson, C.W. Hicks, Y. Maeno, and K.A. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2021(Online), Session V47.00002, (Video)
- Visualizing anomalous vortex dynamics and coexisting ferromagnetic domains in URu2Si2, (Poster)
Y. Iguchi
Fundamentals of Quantum Materials(FQM) 2020 Winter School (University of Maryland) Poster session
- Local rotational symmetry breaking of superconducting phase in URu2Si2, (Oral,Poster)
Y. Iguchi
CIFAR QM(Canadian Institute of Foundation for Advanced Research Quantum Materials) Program Meeting 2019 (Vancouver), Poster session
CIFAR QM Summer school 2019(University of British Columbia), Oral and Poster session
- Imaging Anisotropic Vortex Motion in FeSe, (Poster)
I. Zhang, L. B.-V. Horn, J. Palmstrom, J. R. Kirtley, Y. Iguchi, I. R. Fisher, K. A. Moler
XVII International Workshop on Vortex Matter in Superconductors (Vortex 2019) (Antwerp), Poster Session RSP.22
- Study of chiral d-wave superconductor candidate URu2Si2 by using scanning SQUID microscopy, (Oral)
Y. Iguchi, I.P. Zhang, E.D. Bauer, F. Ronning, J.R. Kirtley, and K.A. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2019(Boston), Session X08.00010
- Anisotropic Vortex Pinning in Single Crystal FeSe, (Oral)
I. Zhang, L. B.-V. Horn, J. Palmstrom, J. R. Kirtley, Y. Iguchi, I. R. Fisher, K. A. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2019(Boston), Session X10.00010
- Non-reciprocal microwave response of antiferromagnetic magnons in a multiferroic Ba2MnGe2O7, (Oral)
Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, H. Murakawa, N. Hanasaki, and Y. Onose
American Physical Society March Meeting 2018(Los Angeles), Session H23.00009
- Microwave response of antiferromagnetic magnons in a multiferroic Ba2MnGe2O7, (Poster)
Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, and Y. Onose
Junjiro Kanamori Memorial International Symposium 2017(Tokyo), Poster session:P56
- Magnetoelectrical control of nonreciprocal microwave response in a multiferroic helimagnet, (Oral)
Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, and Y. Onose
American Physical Society March Meeting 2017(New Orleans), Session F50.00008
- Nonreciprocal propagation of surface acoustic waves in Ni/LiNbO3, (Oral)
R. Sasaki, Y. Nii, Y. Iguchi, and Y. Onose
American Physical Society March Meeting 2017(New Orleans), Session A47.00013
- Magnetoelectrical control of nonreciprocal microwave response in a multiferroic helimagnet, (Poster)
Y. Iguchi
CEMS-QPEC Symposium on Emergent Quantum Materials 2017(Tokyo), Poster session:P29
- Nonreciprocal magnon propagation in a noncentrosymmetric ferromagnet LiFe5O8, (Oral)
Y. Iguchi, S. Uemura, K. Ueno, and Y. Onose
American Physical Society March Meeting 2016(Baltimore), Session B6.00002
Y. Iguchi, N. Nandi, M. Oudah, J. Bannies, M. C. Aronson, D. A. Bonn, and K. A. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2024(Minneapolis), Session Q15.00012
E. Mueller, Y. Iguchi, F. Jerzembeck, J.O. Rodriguez, M. Romanelli, E. Abarca-Morales, A. Markou, N. Kikugawa, D.A. Sokolov, G. Oh, C.W. Hicks, A.P. Mackenzie, Y. Maeno, V. Madhavan, and K.A. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2024(Minneapolis), Session K16.00011
F. Bahrami, N. Shumiya, M. Bland, R. Chang, R. A. McLellan, K. D. Crowley, C. Yang, L. Bishop-Van Horn, Y. Iguchi, K. A. Moler, R. J Cava, A. A. Houck, and N. P. de Leon
American Physical Society March Meeting 2024(Minneapolis), Session M47.00011
Y. Iguchi
Aspen Center for Physics -2024 Winter Conference Disorder and Quantum Phases of Matter, Poster Session 12
Y. Iguchi, R.A. Shi, K. Kihou, C.-H. Lee, V. Grinenko, E. Babaev, and K. A. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2023(Las Vegas), Session Y28.00004
E. Mueller,Y. Iguchi, C. Watson, C. Hicks, Y. Maeno, and K. A. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2023(Las Vegas), Session Y22.00008
R. Shi, K. Lee, B.Y. Wang, Y. Iguchi, H. Y. Hwang, K. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2023(Las Vegas), Session S19.00006
Y. Iguchi
29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physic (LT29) at Sapporo, Session 22A-SF2A-03
Y. Iguchi, H. Man, S.M. Thomas, F. Ronning, P. Rosa, K. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2022(Chicago), Session Y65.00002
H. Man, Y. Iguchi, J. Bao, D.Y. Chung, M.G. Kanatzidis, K. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2022(Chicago), Session W69.00012
R. Shi, B.Y. Wang, Y. Iguchi, M. Osada, K. Lee, H. Y. Hwang, K. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2022(Chicago), Session T57.00005
Y. Iguchi, J.A. Straquadine, J.R. Kirtley, A. Singh, I.R. Fisher, and K.A. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2021(Online), Session A47.00008, (Video)
E. Mueller, Y. Iguchi, C. Watson, C.W. Hicks, Y. Maeno, and K.A. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2021(Online), Session V47.00002, (Video)
Y. Iguchi
Fundamentals of Quantum Materials(FQM) 2020 Winter School (University of Maryland) Poster session
Y. Iguchi
CIFAR QM(Canadian Institute of Foundation for Advanced Research Quantum Materials) Program Meeting 2019 (Vancouver), Poster session
CIFAR QM Summer school 2019(University of British Columbia), Oral and Poster session
I. Zhang, L. B.-V. Horn, J. Palmstrom, J. R. Kirtley, Y. Iguchi, I. R. Fisher, K. A. Moler
XVII International Workshop on Vortex Matter in Superconductors (Vortex 2019) (Antwerp), Poster Session RSP.22
Y. Iguchi, I.P. Zhang, E.D. Bauer, F. Ronning, J.R. Kirtley, and K.A. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2019(Boston), Session X08.00010
I. Zhang, L. B.-V. Horn, J. Palmstrom, J. R. Kirtley, Y. Iguchi, I. R. Fisher, K. A. Moler
American Physical Society March Meeting 2019(Boston), Session X10.00010
Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, H. Murakawa, N. Hanasaki, and Y. Onose
American Physical Society March Meeting 2018(Los Angeles), Session H23.00009
Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, and Y. Onose
Junjiro Kanamori Memorial International Symposium 2017(Tokyo), Poster session:P56
Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, and Y. Onose
American Physical Society March Meeting 2017(New Orleans), Session F50.00008
R. Sasaki, Y. Nii, Y. Iguchi, and Y. Onose
American Physical Society March Meeting 2017(New Orleans), Session A47.00013
Y. Iguchi
CEMS-QPEC Symposium on Emergent Quantum Materials 2017(Tokyo), Poster session:P29
Y. Iguchi, S. Uemura, K. Ueno, and Y. Onose
American Physical Society March Meeting 2016(Baltimore), Session B6.00002
Contributed Talks (in Japanese)
- Superconducting vortices carrying a temperature-dependent fraction of the flux quantum, (Oral)
Y. Iguchi, R.A. Shi, K. Kihou, C.-H. Lee, M. Barkman, A. Benfenati, V. Grinenko, E. Babaev, and K. A. Moler
The Physical Society of Japan, 78th Ann. Meeting (2023) (Tohoku Univ.), Div.6, 16aB101-5
- Scanning SQUID microscopy study of local superconducting state of chiral superconductor candidate UTe2, (Oral)
Y. Iguchi, H. Man, S.M. Thomas, F. Ronning, J. Ishizuka, M. Sigrist, P.F.S. Rosa, and K.A. Moler
The Physical Society of Japan, Autumn Meeting 2022(Tokyo Tech), Division 8, 12pW521-5
- Non BCS-like superfluid density in a disordered charge density wave material: Pd-intercalated ErTe3, (Oral)
Y. Iguchi, J.A. Straquadine, J.R. Kirtley, A. Singh, I.R. Fisher, and K.A. Moler
The Physical Society of Japan, 76th Annual Meeting (Online), Division 6, 14aF1-1
- Study of chiral d-wave superconductor candidate URu2Si2 by using scanning SQUID microscopy, (Oral)
Y. Iguchi, I.P. Zhang, E.D. Bauer, F. Ronning, J.R. Kirtley, and K.A. Moler
The Physical Society of Japan, 74th Annual Meeting (Kyushu Univ.), Division 8, 14aS302-8
- Microwave response to antiferromagnetic resonance in multiferroics Ba2MnGe2O7, (Oral)
Yusuke Iguchi, Yoichi Nii, and Yoshinori Onose
The Physical Society of Japan, Autumn Meeting 2017 (Iwate Univ.), Division 8, 23aE31-8
- Research of microwave nonreciprocity on a multiferroic using a superconducting circuit resonator,(Oral)
Yoshiaki Hamahara, Yoichi Nii, Yusuke Iguchi, and Yoshinori Onose
The Physical Society of Japan, Autumn Meeting 2017 (Iwate Univ.), Division 8, 22pF21-11
- Electric control of nonreciprocal microwave response in ferroelectric spiral magnet, (Oral)
Yusuke Iguchi, Yoichi Nii, and Yoshinori Onose
The Physical Society of Japan, Autumn Meeting 2016 (Kanazawa Univ.), Division 3, 13aAA-8
- Microwave response of a noncentrosymmetric magnet CuB2O4, (Oral)
Y. Nii, R. Sasaki, Y. Iguchi, and Y. Onose
The Physical Society of Japan, Annual (71st) Meeting (Tohoku Gakuin Univ.), Division 3, 22aAU-2
- Magnetoelastic coupling and nonreciprocity of surface acoustic wave on Ni/LiNbO3, (Oral)
R. Sasaki, Y. Nii, Y. Iguchi, and Y. Onose
The Physical Society of Japan, Annual(71st) Meeting (Tohoku Gakuin Univ.), Division 3, 19aAU-11
- Magnetization dynamics in ferrimagnetic LiFe5O8 extracted from analyzing terahertz radiation by fast magnetization modulation via femtosecond laser irradiation, (Oral)
Y. Kinoshita, N. Kida, T. Miyamoto, H. Yada, Y. Iguchi, Y. Onose, and H. Okamoto
The Physical Society of Japan, Autumn Meeting 2015 (Kansai Univ.), Division 5, 16pCF-9
- Nonreciprocal microwave response on large wave number magnon modes in a noncentrosymmetric ferromagnet LiFe5O8, (Oral)
Yusuke Iguchi, Souichiro Uemura, Kazunori Ueno, and Yoshinori Onose
The Physical Society of Japan, Annual (70th) Meeting (Waseda Univ.), Division 3, 24aAD-6
- Terahertz radiation due to ultrafast modulation of magnetization in ferrimagnetic LiFe5O8, (Oral)
Y. Kinoshita, N. Kida, T. Miyamoto, H. Yada, Y. Iguchi, Y. Onose, and H. Okamoto
The Physical Society of Japan, Annual (70th) Meeting (Waseda Univ.), Division 5, 23pCP-6
- Microwave response of noncentrosymmetric magnet LiFe5O8,(Oral)
Yusuke Iguchi and Yoshinori Onose
The Physical Society of Japan, Annual (69th) Meeting (Tokai Univ.), Division 3 and 8, 29pAY-6
- X-ray diffraction measurements on frustrated magnets CuFe1-xGaxO2 (x=0,0.035) under uniaxial pressure, (Oral)
Taro Nakajima, Yusuke Iguchi, Hiromu Tamatsukuri, Setsuo Mitsuda, Yuichi Yamasaki, Hironori Nakao, and Noriki Terada
The Physical Society of Japan, Autumn Meeting 2013 (Tokushima Univ.), Division 3, 25aKF-4
Y. Iguchi, R.A. Shi, K. Kihou, C.-H. Lee, M. Barkman, A. Benfenati, V. Grinenko, E. Babaev, and K. A. Moler
The Physical Society of Japan, 78th Ann. Meeting (2023) (Tohoku Univ.), Div.6, 16aB101-5
Y. Iguchi, H. Man, S.M. Thomas, F. Ronning, J. Ishizuka, M. Sigrist, P.F.S. Rosa, and K.A. Moler
The Physical Society of Japan, Autumn Meeting 2022(Tokyo Tech), Division 8, 12pW521-5
Y. Iguchi, J.A. Straquadine, J.R. Kirtley, A. Singh, I.R. Fisher, and K.A. Moler
The Physical Society of Japan, 76th Annual Meeting (Online), Division 6, 14aF1-1
Y. Iguchi, I.P. Zhang, E.D. Bauer, F. Ronning, J.R. Kirtley, and K.A. Moler
The Physical Society of Japan, 74th Annual Meeting (Kyushu Univ.), Division 8, 14aS302-8
Yusuke Iguchi, Yoichi Nii, and Yoshinori Onose
The Physical Society of Japan, Autumn Meeting 2017 (Iwate Univ.), Division 8, 23aE31-8
Yoshiaki Hamahara, Yoichi Nii, Yusuke Iguchi, and Yoshinori Onose
The Physical Society of Japan, Autumn Meeting 2017 (Iwate Univ.), Division 8, 22pF21-11
Yusuke Iguchi, Yoichi Nii, and Yoshinori Onose
The Physical Society of Japan, Autumn Meeting 2016 (Kanazawa Univ.), Division 3, 13aAA-8
Y. Nii, R. Sasaki, Y. Iguchi, and Y. Onose
The Physical Society of Japan, Annual (71st) Meeting (Tohoku Gakuin Univ.), Division 3, 22aAU-2
R. Sasaki, Y. Nii, Y. Iguchi, and Y. Onose
The Physical Society of Japan, Annual(71st) Meeting (Tohoku Gakuin Univ.), Division 3, 19aAU-11
Y. Kinoshita, N. Kida, T. Miyamoto, H. Yada, Y. Iguchi, Y. Onose, and H. Okamoto
The Physical Society of Japan, Autumn Meeting 2015 (Kansai Univ.), Division 5, 16pCF-9
Yusuke Iguchi, Souichiro Uemura, Kazunori Ueno, and Yoshinori Onose
The Physical Society of Japan, Annual (70th) Meeting (Waseda Univ.), Division 3, 24aAD-6
Y. Kinoshita, N. Kida, T. Miyamoto, H. Yada, Y. Iguchi, Y. Onose, and H. Okamoto
The Physical Society of Japan, Annual (70th) Meeting (Waseda Univ.), Division 5, 23pCP-6
Yusuke Iguchi and Yoshinori Onose
The Physical Society of Japan, Annual (69th) Meeting (Tokai Univ.), Division 3 and 8, 29pAY-6
Taro Nakajima, Yusuke Iguchi, Hiromu Tamatsukuri, Setsuo Mitsuda, Yuichi Yamasaki, Hironori Nakao, and Noriki Terada
The Physical Society of Japan, Autumn Meeting 2013 (Tokushima Univ.), Division 3, 25aKF-4
- Discover the Dream Technology: Do you know about Superconductivity?
Lecture for 8 visiting 4th and 5th grade students from Japan, Apr 2024
Stanford University, CA, USA
- Methods of Measuring Superconductors at Stanford
Voluntary lecture and Lab tour for 5 visiting high school students from Japan and Gun High school, Mar 2024
Stanford University, CA, USA
- Unleashing Children's Potential: How to Raise Kids Who Love Math!
ECC webinar, Dec 2023 (Archive)
- The Interaction Crisis: Reshaping synchronous online education
Invited speaker, SpatialChat webinar, Nov 2023
- Methods of Measuring Superconductors at Stanford
JASS special lecture for 14 visiting senior students from Dept. of Business, Ritsumeikan University, Sep 2023
Stanford University, CA, USA
- Unlocking the Mystery of Magnetic Trapping: Insights from Superconducting Vortices
12th Japanese Academic Seminars at Stanford, July 2023
Stanford University, CA, USA
- Build LED light-up circuits
nano@stanford, Guest Teacher, May 2022
Greenleaf TK-8 School, CA, USA
- Q&A session about State of Matter
Skype a Scientist, Guest Teacher, Dec 2021
Chardon Primary School, NE, USA(on Skype)
- Persistent electrical current
Berkeley Japanese Academic Network 73rd gathering, 2021
UC Berkeley, CA, USA(on Zoom)
- Learning Superconductivity by Imaging
11th Stanford Visitors Meetup, 2019
Stanford University, CA, USA
- Looking into the world of superconductivity by using a scanning SQUID microscope
Berkeley Japanese Academic Network 56th gathering, 2019
UC Berkeley, CA, USA
- Study of "unconventional" superconductors using scanning SQUID microscopy
JSPS Researcher Gatherings 2019 summer, research introduction, 2019 (Oral)
Berkeley, CA, USA
Lecture for 8 visiting 4th and 5th grade students from Japan, Apr 2024
Stanford University, CA, USA
Voluntary lecture and Lab tour for 5 visiting high school students from Japan and Gun High school, Mar 2024
Stanford University, CA, USA
ECC webinar, Dec 2023 (Archive)
Invited speaker, SpatialChat webinar, Nov 2023
JASS special lecture for 14 visiting senior students from Dept. of Business, Ritsumeikan University, Sep 2023
Stanford University, CA, USA
12th Japanese Academic Seminars at Stanford, July 2023
Stanford University, CA, USA
nano@stanford, Guest Teacher, May 2022
Greenleaf TK-8 School, CA, USA
Skype a Scientist, Guest Teacher, Dec 2021
Chardon Primary School, NE, USA(on Skype)
Berkeley Japanese Academic Network 73rd gathering, 2021
UC Berkeley, CA, USA(on Zoom)
11th Stanford Visitors Meetup, 2019
Stanford University, CA, USA
Berkeley Japanese Academic Network 56th gathering, 2019
UC Berkeley, CA, USA
JSPS Researcher Gatherings 2019 summer, research introduction, 2019 (Oral)
Berkeley, CA, USA