[Paper]Microwave Nonreciprocity in Antiferromagnetic Resonance
In our new paper published in Physical Review B, we reported the microwave nonreciprocity in a noncentrosymmetric antiferromagnet Ba$_2$MnGe$_2$O$_7$.

The microwave nonreciprocity means that the decay rate is different in the propagation vector $+k$ and $-k$. Our paper suggested that the microwave nonreciprocity in this material is finite around the typical antiferromagnetic resonance, and that the relative magnitude and the magnetic field dependence of the microwave nonreciprocity are different in the antiferromagnetic modes. These characteristics can be quantitatively explained by the linear response theory and the spin-dependent d-p hybridization mechanism. In addition, The mode dependence of the relative magnitude of the microwave nonreciprocity is originated from the magnetic anisotropy.
Microwave nonreciprocity of magnon excitations in the noncentrosymmetric antiferromagnet Ba$_2$MnGe$_2$O$_7$
Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, M. Kawano, H. Murakawa, N. Hanasaki, and Y. Onose
Phys. Rev. B 98, 064416(2018)