[Paper] Scanning SQUID study of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates
Our study of scanning SQUID microscopy on infinite-layer nickelates was published in Physical Review Materials and selected as the Editors' Suggestion.

The research sheds light on the magnetic properties of infinite-layer nickelates, a promising new category of superconductivity —a phenomenon in which materials conduct electricity with zero resistance. We found unexpected minuscule magnetic particles using scanning SQUID microscopy and distinguished their signals from the superconductivity.
Our investigation centered on three distinct nickelates, each exhibiting unique magnetic characteristics. We identified ferromagnetism—a form of magnetism usually absent in superconductors—and traced its origins to nickel oxide particles embedded within the superconducting materials. We further examined the superconducting state, studying vortices and the distribution of the strength of the superconductivity.
The insights gained underscore the need to factor in these nickel oxide particles in the design and analysis of experiments. Understanding and managing these particles could be key to unlocking the door to more advanced and efficient nickelate films.
Scanning SQUID study of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates
Phys. Rev. Materials 8, 024802 (2024). [Editors' Suggestion]