Invited Talk at ECC webinar



I was invited by ECC, the largest and oldest Japanese language school, as a speaker to discuss how to raise kids who love math. 

My messages in this talk are as follows. 

  • Do not make statements that set limits on a child's potential.
  • Since math can be boring if you can't solve the problems, start with understandable ones.
  • Make sure to praise them when they solve a problem.
  • Provide many opportunities to spark interest in mathematics and science (e.g., coding classes, science experiment workshops, puzzles, and times tables exercises).
  • Studying STEM can develop logical thinking skills useful for learning and problem-solving.

These are very fundamental, but it is important that STEM researchers tell non-STEM-educated people why they are so. 

Title: Unleashing Children's Potential: How to Raise Kids Who Love Math!
ECC webinar, Dec 19, 2023
Archive(in Japanse) here

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